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Zilwaukee Okeechobee & Tremungus Rail Road
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This photo was taken during a visit in 2006 to the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. The Pioneer Zephyr number 9900 has recently been refurbished and installed in its own display hall. That's Bill trespassing on the exhibit.

Click on the photo to see a PDF file from The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASTRONOMY: Here is some information about The Moon
The moon spins like the earth but, instead of one revolution per day, a revolution takes 27 days, 7 hrs., 43 min., 11.6 sec.
One moon phase (full moon to full moon) takes 29 days, 12 hrs., 44 min. at 2,287 mph
As the moon goes through it's phases there is:
  • new moon
  • waxing crescent
  • 1st quarter (appears 1/2 but, is really 25% through it's orbit)
  • waxing gibbous (3/4 full)
  • last quarter
  • waning crescent
As the moon phase is about 29-1/2 days and, the average month takes about 30-14 days, you can see how eventually there will be two full moons in one and the same month. The second full moon, in the same calendar month, is called a 'blue moon'.
As days go by, and a person is not paying attention to the moon, you can easily tell if the moon is going to be full or, if it was full by remembering the famous words "what's up DOC". Think of the O as a full moon then, note the curve in the D and C. When the curve is the D, it is going to be full. When the curve is like the C, it is going away from being full.
Exeligmos is described as 54 yrs. 1 mo. for a solar eclipse to come back to the same spot.
Samos is described as 18 yrs. 10 days. Three Samos equal one Exelgmos.
Lastly, every full moon, for every calendar month has it's own name. The names for the months are as follows:
Month Known As
January Wolf Moon
February Snow Moon
March Sap Moon
April Pink Moon
May Flower Moon
June Strawberry Moon
July Buck Moon
August Sturgeon Moon
September Harvest Moon
October Hunter's Moon
November Beaver Moon
December Cold Moon
What's New
2011-03-24 An index of all pages in the site
2011-03-24 Track complete on the new ZOT
2013-06-03 Changed Home page to PHP
2013-06-03 Restoration Page: Rusty Marx PFE
2013-06-04 Changed All Other Pages to PHP using PHP for the Nav Table
2013-06-08 Added a Guest Book
2013-06-25 Added some information about The Moon (Thanks Brian)

Site and Pages Copyright 2011-3 - William P. Porter